August Fishing
August is supposed to be hot and we are not going to be disappointed. The spot fishing continues to be superb.
Spanish mackerel and bluefish are hitting trolled spoons most everywhere in the bay from Cedar Point south. The rockfish season just opened back up in Maryland waters. The summer hiatus continues in the Potomac until Aug. 20.

Spot still hot! Two at the time in the Patuxent. This is Capt. Bernie Shea's party out of Solomons Island.
Perch in the creeks will take cast spinner baits when they make up their mind to bite. I discovered a school in a creek off the Patuxent Sunday evening, and even though the incoming tide was lazy and the water was low and stained, they bit a 1/4 oz. white Beetle Spin until I had 20 or so in the 8-to-10-inch size. I left them biting. Also landed a half dozen puppy drum from 8 to 13 inches, and one ambitious croaker.
Bass, bluegill, and pickerel are active at dusk and dawn in the ponds and lakes. It is a great time to go fishing.

Mixed bag of spot, Spanish mackerel, and blue fish.

The fish are plentiful and hungry!