7/5/2018 - Fishy Hide and Seek
Cobia fishing is the name of the game this week in Southern Maryland.
Chummers and chunkers using fresh alewives are finding the tropical fish in the Smith Point area and further north near the Target Ship, the Mud Leads, and on the Middle Grounds. The fish also favor live eels carried at specialty bait stores. A good day means a couple of fish in the 20 to 50-pound range, and an excellent day may range up to a half a dozen. Some Big Bull Reds (Channel Bass) have been sighted in the same area.
White Perch have now moved into the creeks for lure casters and bait fishermen alike. Beetle spins, Mepps spinners, and tiny crankbaits will bring strikes around structure on moving tides. Bait fishermen use bloodworms, peeler, and soft crab.
Spot and Croaker are in the deep holes of the rivers mixed with White Perch. Squid, crab, shrimp, and bloodworms are the ticket. Some small to medium Spot are in the Tall Timbers and St. George Island area.
There is plenty of Rockfish up the rivers for lure casters at daybreak. The heat of the day is siesta time for stripers as well as fishermen.
The lower Bay now has small Snapper Bluefish and Spanish Mackerel breaking on the surface drawing a cloud of seagulls. These fish are playing hide and seek at present, but consistency is on the way as the summer heat gets the water right.
Some breaking Rockfish were reported off the gas docks. Trollers found some hefty rock that liked 7/0 red Jarveels.

Linda Lamb shows off a catch of Perch from a creek off the Patuxent.

Jacob Tomsic with a pair of early morning Rockfish from the Patuxent.