Fishing for food continues to be a good source of nutrition.
The catfishing in the upper Potomac and Patuxent is excellent. The catfish bite best on fresh cut bait which we try to maintain daily at The Tackle Box.
The local ponds and lakes are full of crappie and bluegill that love live minnows and night crawlers.
St. Mary's Lake is unfortunately closed at the main entrance for scheduled repairs to the facilities. I was blindsided to the closing by DNR, just learning of the closure Sunday evening. The notice posted at the lake conveys that the maintenance may last as long as six months. Let's hope that the contractors finish early.
White perch should be available anytime now in the creeks and rivers as the water has warmed enough to get them feeding.
The trophy rockfish season opens in the bay and Potomac on May 1. The pound netters are catching (and carefully releasing) huge rockfish in better numbers than seen in many years in the lower Potomac. The season begins this year as much as three weeks later than usual as an attempt to reduce the overall catch. Perhaps this late start will mean a really good opening day.
There were a dozen spot, a couple of King William perch, and a 15 pound black drum in the nets of one commercial fisherman last Saturday in the Potomac. Spot this early is very unusual, and the significance of such an appearance in mid-April remains to be seen.
***St. Mary's County Official Statement: St. Mary's County Park Use Limited to Reduce Spread of COVID-19: St. Mary's County Government owned and operated parks are operating with additional limitations in response to the COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Order issued by Governor Larry Hogan. Waterfront parks, including Elms Beach, Myrtle Point, and Snow Hill Park, remain closed to the public. Public landings, including boat ramps, piers and gathering spaces are closed to the public. An exception is made allowing commercial waterman with valid licenses to use the public landings. Recreational boating is not permitted under the Governor's Order. All other St. Mary's County Government-owned and operated parks are open under the following specific safety guidelines: exercise activities such as walking, hiking, running or biking while adhering to recommended 6-foot social distancing measures are permitted. Any sports or activities which engage in bodily contact such as basketball, soccer, football are not permitted. Gathering of groups are limited to no more than 10 people in any specific area of the park. Park hours and operations are available at the www.stmarysmd.com/recreate/parks. For the list of all county government operations and COVID-19 resources, visit St. Mary's County Government at www.stmarysmd.com.***