August 1, 2018 - Sun-Crazed Fish
The rain stopped, the sun came out, and the fish went crazy this past weekend.
One party of fishermen claimed a total of 350 of the tasty pan fish in a 24 hour period. That is some serious spot fishing. There are tons of undersized croaker there too. The spot will bring the bluefish and stripers looking for a meal. Good catches of spot and perch were reported from the Public areas at the St. George Island bridge in Piney Point. Catfish are biting there too.
Spot are everywhere in the Potomac and Patuxent. Plenty of perch are on the rip rap along the the St. mary's shoreline of the Patuxent from the bridge to Big Kingston among-st the piers. Bigger perch are taking tiny spinner bait lures on the rocks at the entrance to St. Leonard Creek.
Bottom fishermen have perch and spot at Hawk's Nest.
Do not overlook of shallow water fishing in 8 to 12 feet anywhere in the rivers.
Rockfish are in the hide and seek mode in the shallows. Some areas are consistent in the mouth of the Patuxent at daybreak producing fish every morning. Most places will produce on cast lures, but sometimes you have to work hard for keepers.
Spanish mackerel are blazing hot in the bay from the mouth of the Choptank to Smith Point. Planers and small spoons.
Trollers using surgical eels are picking up cobia from 72A to Smith Point. Big red drum are there too. Sight casters are somewhat successful as are chummers. They are not jumping in the boat yet, but it will happen; be ready.
Rockfish should be ready for trollers from Vero Beach to Ragged Point.
Perch are jumping in the boat at Ragged Point in the Potomac.
Plenty of snakehead and catfish in the upper Potomac.

Spanish Mackerel from near Smith Point.

Shane Beachy with big red from near target ship fishing with Capt. Kyle Johnson from Rock Solid Charters.

P J Forest with 41 inch Cobia fish with Rock Solid. Oh yeah, Captain Kyle can get them!
Michael Proctor leads the August perch contest with this 9 and three quarter inch beauty.
Evan Giampapa shows off spanish mackerel from above the Tatget Ship.

Eric Packard with snakehead in upper Potomac.
Catfish still running!