December 11, 2019 - Triangle Rockfish
The striper fishing is excelllent in the bay from the HS Bouy south to Smith Point.
There are miles of breaking rockfish under vast flocks of gulls and gannets most everyday. The truly hot spots shift daily, but the most consistent area is straight out the center of the Potomac River about three miles.
Bigger fish are from 72A to to the HS Marker. Many of the rockfish in the mid-bay have sea lice and are skinny compared to the fat, sleek domesticcs.
Trollers and jiggers are catching fish in the 19 to 32 inch range.
The rockfish activities up the rivers has slowed. There are fish, but you have to work for them and many are undersized.
Some hardy souls fishing after dark under the dock lights around Solomons Island and the Navy Recreation Pier have hooked some huge fish up to 40 inches and in the 25 pound range.
There are still some bass, pickerel, and crappie in the ponds and St. Mary's Lake.