Good Pace
Cobia fishing is rocking along at a good pace.
There are lots of cobia seekers and lots of chum lines, so it is inevitalble that some will make a good strike and land several while others get skunked. Try to get out on a weekday when the traffic is less dense. Live eels are the trick.
Trollers are finding some cobia using surgical eel lures. There have been blue fish in the 18 to 25 inch range taking these lures. Some have caught a dozen or so of these toothy critters.
Cobia are located in the Mud Leads, below the Target Ship, and most anywhere in the Triangle.
Spanish mackerel are also in the lower bay mixed with blues.
Rockfish are available for lure casters. The Maryland summer closure starts on July 16 and lasts until the 30th. The Potomac closure is already in and lasts until Aug. 21.

Tony Barret land these perch Saturday off a Patuxent Creek.
Spot are everywhere. If you can see water you are in the presence of spot. They will take the new Lugworms, bits of squid, shrimp, nightcrawler, etc., The favorite bait for spot 'bloodworms are in short supply. There have been no shipments of bloods from Maine since the Fourth of July. Bad tides, heat, and labor shortages are blamed. The Fishbite manufactured bait is an excellent substitute.
Perch fishing is excellent in the rivers. The perch fishing in the creeks has been good, but not like it should be. The lack of tide flow, abundance of nettles, and stained water due to rain fall has sent a lot of perch to the cleaner water in the deeper rivers. A break in the heat and some dry days will change that soon.
Tiny puppy drum like the heat and stain and are prevalent in the creeks taking most any bait or lure. Release them carefully. I have heard of a handful in the legal limit slot range of 18 to 27 inches.
There are reports of flounder at Point Lookout Bar and at Cornfield Point in the Potomac. Drift with live minnows and be prepared to catch lots of little ones that have to be thrown back for every one of legal size.

Dave Gatton's catch of perch in the Patuxent, Sunday.