June 16th, 2020 - Great Weather and Good Fishing
Great weather and good fishing brought out hordes of fishermen to try their luck all last week.
Cheria Richardson caught this 4 lb. 3oz. largemoth in a local farm pond Saturday.
There were some fabulous perch catches by lure casters in the creeks. The perch love Beetle Spins and are favoring some wild color bodies in an orange and yellow combination. The perch are active in all the Patuxent and Potomac Creeks with the mouth of Herring Creek in Tall Timbers along the jetty being a particular hot spot. The mouth of St. Leonard's Creek in the Patuxent was excellent for perch this week with a surprise catfish occasionally in the mix. When one of these 5 or 6 pound brutes takes your Beetle Spin, it can create excitement.
Those who like bottom fishing in the deeper water have found perch and spot mixed at Hawk's Nest in the Patuxent. Drift around in 20 to 30 feet of water until you get some hits and drop the anchor.
First Image: Ron Ault with speckled trout from St. Mary's River. Second Image: Steve Alexander and his 11 and one half inch white perch from Goose Creek, Cedar Point.
The Potomac has very good striper activity from Cornfield Point to St. Clements Island for trollers. There appears to be no problem to limit out on your two fish per day 20 inch minimum.
The Patuxent and Bay has good rockfish too. The Maryland limit of one per day and 19 inch minimum is achievable with some luck and knowledge of the area for trollers and lure casters. There are lots of undersized fish.

First Image: Adam Wose with perch from the Patuxent. Second Image: Dickie Wose with catfish that took his beetle spin while perch fishing near St. Leonard's Creek in the Patuxent.
There are increasing reports of speckled trout in all areas. These fish are just about everywhere, lurking in the shallows, seeking cover within structure. The salt islands on the bay edge of the eastern shore has lots of speckled trout. They love soft plastic shad-bodied lures and bucktails dressed with curly tails. Orange jig heads and yellow 4-inch curly-tailed grubs are favored.
Pier fishing at Point Lookout and Solomons Island has not hit stride, and there were lots of disappointed fishermen over the weekend. The spot will get much more common in the next few weeks. These are great dinner fare and fun to catch, plus they bring in the predators making the rock and blue fishing better. Better times are ahead.
A Spanish mackerel was caught a Cove Point this weekend by trollers. Get ready, they are coming. Planer rigs and spoons are the technique for Spanish and bluefish.

First Image: Catch of Rockfish by Capt. Bernie Shea out of Solomons. Second Image: Ken Lamb and perch from the Patuxent.