May 19th, 2021 - Summer Approaches
Summer will arrive mid week when the temperatures soar into the 80's for daytime highs and the overnight lows will be in the low 70's.
We can expect fish and crabs to be very active to make up lost time caused by the cold snap that has hindered us for the past ten days.
The minimum is now 19 inches with a one-fish limit in Maryland waters in the main bay and the mouth of some rivers. All Maryland waters open on June 1. The Patuxent and Potomac are holding plenty of rockfish in the 14- to 24-inch range for both trollers and lure casters. The Potomac minimum is 20 inches and two per day are allowed.
Trollers seeking the big rockfish were disappointed last week in the lower bay and Potomac with one or two spectacular exceptions.
This 51-inch, 50 lb. rockfish caught May 3 at the CP Bouy on Captain Bernie Shea's charter boat (301-672-3282).
Rockfish from near the Gas Docks.
Good catches of hefty catfish were made in the Patuxent on the 50 foot edge in front of St. Leonard's Creek. Anglers drifted around until they struck catfish and then anchored. Fifty feet seemed to be the right depth and the catfish in the three- to seven-pound range were plentiful. Some nice perch were there too, along with some small spot.
Spot sneaked in under the radar last week and seem to be prevalent in small numbers and size in many locations.
Dave Gatton caught catfish in the Patuxent off St. Leonard's Creek on cut alewife.
Ryan Galligan bagged this coyote while turkey hunting last week in Calvert County.
The Honga River and salt islands have produced good rockfish catches along with a smattering of speckled trout. Black drum are in the lower bay and Pocomoke Sound.
Pound netters are getting the customary baitfish in the lower Potomac along with impressive numbers of keeper rockfish (all released at this time), some spot and trout, and one 18 inch redfish this week.
Mark Newman with 47-inch striper from the Potomac, Saturday.
Brad Franzen caught this 28-inch rockfish at Cedar Point, casting a blue Yourzi swimming plug.