Perch Are In The Creeks!
Perch and catfish rule! We had several reports on Monday of perch being caught in Patuxent and Potomac creeks.
The fish are located in the deeper holes and love bits of bloodworm. Double hook bottom rigs with spinner hooks work well.
Tiny spot have moved into the lower Potomac where pound netters reported them last Friday and Monday morning.

Robert La Grande caught this 11-inch perch, the largest of nine that took his blood worm offering. Robert was fishing in a creek off the Patuxent River on Sunday.
Blue catfish are in the Patuxent and Potomac and will take cut bait. One fisherman reported filling three big trash cans full with his party of kids just above Benedict near the Horse Farm on Saturday. The Potomac has all the catfish you care to catch in the vicinity of the 301 Bridge. DNR wants this invasive species wiped out and ask all fishermen remove as many as they can. The catfish are excellent eating.

Upper Potomac continues hot for blue cats. Miss Susie Charters posted this fine catch.
Snakehead are in the creeks now. The head waters of the St. Mary's River is loaded with snakehead.
Bass, bluegill, crappie, and pickerel await freshwater fishermen at St. Mary's Lake and local ponds.

Mike Proctor with his 10 inch perch from the Potomac this week.

Eric Packard landed 6 largemouth bass on Monday at St. Mary's lake on that red square lipped crank bait.