September 4, 2019 - Fabulous Labor Day
Summertime fishing continues with spanish mackerel in the bay and up the Potomac at Ragged Point where limits of ten fish per person are common for trollers chasing breaking fish in all directions.
Spot are everywhere. There are tiny spot up in the creeks. Medium and occasional jumbos in the rivers.
Catch a small spot and use him live to tempt a rockfish. The rock are everywhere eating the spot. So you have a good chance of catching them with live bait.
Perch fishing is excellent in the creeks and rivers. They will bite on moving tides. and early and late most everyday. They play hide and seek in mid-day heat.
Spanish mackerel are everywhere in the bay and rivers. The hard head custom bait spoons in pink and fluorescent green have been hot.
There were rockfish in Cornfield Harbor this week where jiggers caught plenty. Boiling baitfish and a few birds showed the locations.
Trollers are getting cobia hear the Target Ship. Orange or red surgical eel lures are hot. There are big bull reds taking big trolled spoons in the same area.
Chummers are getting cobia and channel bass (Red drum) to come in close enough to cast live eels (cobia can not resist eels) below the target ship and on the edge at marker 72A. Lure caster are using big jigs in bright orange or pink.
Bass fishing is reaching a peak in the ponds and lakes. Top water poppers will bring strikes at sun rise and sunset.

Eric Packard with cobia that hit trolled red sugical eel Monday morning near the Target Ship. Bigger one got broken off.
Ken Lamb found the perch bitiing in the Patuxent.
Kurt, Brady, and Troy Jordan with sdome of thier spanish mackerel from near Ragged Point in the Potomac.