Summertime Blues, Mackerel, and Reds
Great news: Bluefish and Spanish mackerel have invaded the middle grounds off Point Lookout below the target ship in the bay.
Planers and small spoons are the ticket. Bluefish are also at the Targets and at Cedar Point.
Capt. Bernie Shea out of Solomons is getting plenty of bluefish near Cedar Point in the bay.
Big bull redfish (Red Drum) are consistently cruising in the mud leads and the triangle. They have come up breaking into bait fish. These schools number into hundreds if not perhaps a thousand fish. They have been spotted on side scan sonars and visually. Jiggers and trollers can score easily if they can get their lures in front of them; the big reds move fast. When asked where they are, I answer: everywhere and nowhere.
Big bull reds like these are now on the Middle Grounds and can come up any time.
Good news: The spot fishing is great. The Patuxent river has spot in amazing numbers. Bloodworms (their favorite), lug worms, night crawlers, squid, and shrimp all work. Boat or shore, the spot are here and hungry.
Up the Patuxent Capt. Bernie is taking in the spot!
Oh! It's good.
Everybody deserves a smile like this!
Perch are numerous, fun to catch, great to eat, and eager to bite lures or bait. Crabs are plentiful and big.
Jacob Magkasi and his 11 and 1/2 inch white perch.
Rockfish season resumes in the bay on August 1st. They are up the Patuxent in the shallows. They will hit top water plugs at dawn. The minimum is 19 inches and the max is 31 inches; one per day per person.
Mikey Balkan, aged 3 is a fishing fan forever landing his first spot last week.
The Potomac River striper season resumes August 21, minimum 20 inches, max 31 inches; two per day. Slot reds and speckled trout are in all their favorite locations.
Catching largemouth bass this week in southern Maryland.
Largemouth bass and pickerel are being caught in excellent numbers at St. Mary's Lake. Life is good.
St. Mary's Lake has eager fish to take your lures.