Summertime Cobia!
Plenty of cobia activity this week.
There were lots of sightings of hundreds of cobia on top between Point Lookout and Smith Point Friday a week ago. Scattered catches are all around. Hopefully, the lighting strikes in your chum line.
Spot and perch continue to please bottom fishermen in the Potomac, Patuxent, and Bay.
There are pockets of big speckled trout scattered in the mouth of the Patuxent.
Rockfish and blue cats are mixed for chunkers and live liners in the upper regions of the bay.

James Kahn with his first cobia from near the Target Ship.

Plenty of bass in Potomac ,too.

Looks like fun!
Lure casters for perch in the creeks had a great beginning of the week, but a front passed through draining the water out and leaving muddy ditches where clean thoroughfares had been. A few days of slack winds and tide changes will get us back to normal.
Summertime, let's fish!!

Don Purdy with typical perch from creek off the Potomac.

Dallas Croce knows how to catch perch on a white 1/8 oz. Beetle Spin.

Ken Lamb with perch from Patuxent Creek.