Week of June 10th
Rockfish are plentiful in the Potomac and Patuxent as waters warm and daylight hours are reaching their maximum length.
One intrepid angler reported catching 75 rockfish in the lower Potomac casting lures from his kayak. In addition, there were slot reds in the mix. 4-inch paddle tail jigs are working well in the shallows.

Capt. Bernie Shea is back at Solomons and finding rockfish for his parties in the Patuxent.
Trollers find fine stripers up the Patuxent between Helen Creek and Broomes Island. They love bucktails, jigs, and spoons trolled on the twenty-foot edge.

James Easter found rockfish at fishing point on top water poppers this week.
The Potomac is loaded with rockfish and puppy drum, and slot redfish.

Eric Packard with one of three slot reds caught in Potomac this week casting paddle tail jigs in the shallows.

Eric with one of multiple rockfish this week.
Some bluefish schools and rockfish are in mid-bay around the Targets, Point No Point, and Hooper's Island.

Capt. Greg Buckner out of Deale, MD. Is getting limits of rockfish and plenty of white perch daily.
Some croaker (hardhead) showed up this week, caught by shore fishermen at night in the Patuxent. Some small croaker are mixed with spot in the Potomac. Spot are here and can be caught bottom fishing with bloodworms most everywhere.

Aubree Easter caught some croaker this week at Hog Point in the Patuxent.
White Perch are taking bloodworms in the Patuxent at Hawk's Nest. Spot are there too.
Catfish have retreated up the Potomac and Patuxent and are plentiful, big, and eager to bite.

There are lots of big bass in Mallows Bay, Potomac River, and they love whacky rigs.
Freshwater fishing is excellent with big bass up the Potomac at Mallows Bay and in Namjemoy. St. Mary's Lake is producing bass, bluegill, crappie, and pickerel.